To honor these long distance travelers, the shorebirds, and because September 6 is World Shorebird Day, this part of the blog will focus on the shorebirds we see on August 15 with Derek Lovitch, as our tour guide. We visit Biddeford Pool (Great Pond and Beach) and Scarborough Marsh, including Pine Point. In all we see 14 species of shorebirds. These birds are mostly adults, with the juveniles starting to arrive.
What are their feeding habits, what habitats do they prefer while migrating, where are their breeding grounds, and where are they going? We see them for a tiny fraction of their lives - as they stop to feed and rest during their long journeys, going either southward (fall) or northward (spring).
Biddeford Pool - Great Pond
On the muddy shore of Biddeford Pool - Great Pond we see Least Sandpipers, Semipalmated Sandpipers, Semipalmated Plovers, Short-billed Dowitchers, and a Spotted Sandpiper without its spots.
The Least Sandpipers (smallest of all shorebirds) prefer these protected mudflats (1).
Even though the more pugnacious Semipalmated Sandpipers generally choose open beaches for feeding (1) a good mud meal will do for now as they wait for low tide on the beach.
Adult Semipalmated Sandpiper
The Semipalmated Plovers and
Short-billed Dowitchers feed on polychaete worms, molluscs, and crustaceans on beaches and mudflats, although their feeding strategies are distinct. The plover uses its feet (foot trembling) to stir up prey that it can see.
The dowitcher feeds by a rapid vertical probing in the mud, like a sewing machine – feeling for its prey with its sensitive beak, but not actually seeing its food. (2)
The Spotted Sandpiper, known for its bobbing tail behavior, typically feeds along the water margins using rapid downward movements – probing for just about anything that is tasty. This species, a loner, is territorial of its favorite feeding spots during migration. (2)
Returning from sub-Arctic Canada the Semipalmated Plovers, Short-billed Dowitchers, and the Semipalmated Sandpipers mostly move along the northeastern coast of North America (NA) to southern NA or as far as South America (SA) – this plover may travel to nearly the southern tip of SA. The Spotted Sandpiper, found on Peaks Island in the summer, follows the coastline, or it may move in broad bands across the country in route to southern NA and SA, as does the Least Sandpiper. (2) Each of these five shorebird species will be challenged by a long journey - relying on abundant food sources along the way and favorable weather conditions. Storm Hermine does not provide favorable conditions - quite the opposite - threatening.
Biddeford Pool - Beach Side
We approach the beach side of Biddeford Pool – tide is falling - better for shorebird observations. We see 30 of those pugnacious Semipalmated Sandpipers searching and probing, alongside 20 of the Semipalmated Plovers and three White-rumped Sandpipers – with their distinct white rumps and long wings. Scattered orange-legged Ruddy Turnstones appear with their splendid ‘graphic-artist’ designer plumage: black, deep sienna brown, and white colors. They forage with the Lesser Yellowlegs, with their striking yellow legs. We admire birds with white rumps, orange legs, and yellow legs.
White-rumped Sandpiper Peabody Museum, Yale
The White-rumped Sandpiper breeds in the most northern edges and islands of Arctic Canada and travels in a few long non-stop jumps of up to 4000 km (2485 miles) to northeastern NA. After feeding along the coast, their journey takes them over the western Atlantic to northern South America. Here, the sandpiper’s strategy changes - it makes short hops along the coast until it reaches southern end of the continent – a month’s journey. (2) This species probably relies on plentiful food here in Maine to make its next big jump to SA. (2)
Ruddy Turnstones Peabody Museum, Yale
(breeding plumage front; non-breeding plumage back)
The Ruddy Turnstone (Arenaria interpres morinella subspecies)
breeds in Alaska, Arctic Canada and spends its winter along the southern NA coast or as far south as Chile and northern Argentina – making small jumps to its destination. As its name implies, it turns over rocks, shells, and seaweeds (see blue arrow for evidence of turnstones)
to find favorite foods – generally using a peck method of retrieval.
If needed, though, these birds enjoy a good chase of any escaped mobile prey. And, if a stone is too big for its beak, the turnstone will use its breast to move it. (2)
Scarborough Marsh
At low tide we visit Scarborough Marsh at Pine Point where large mudflats are exposed with a great display of shorebirds including 6 new species for the day:
Red Knot
Greater Yellowlegs
Black-bellied Plover (mostly without its black belly)
We are impressed with the estimated numbers of 345 Semipalmated Plovers, 500 Semipalmated Sandpipers, and 102 Black-bellied Plovers. Derek tells us, though, that greater numbers are on the way later in August. But, just as we enjoy the multitude of shorebirds, a large and stocky dark object approaches over the marsh – a Peregrine Falcon - also migrating and hungry. “The flight of the peregrine is considered one of the most remarkable demonstrations of speed and precision maneuvering in the bird world. (3)” This falcon singles out its hopeful meal, a Short-billed Dowitcher, and a chase begins. This chase sends a wave of alarm throughout the feeding shorebirds – “they scatter in scores” (ML), as the dowitcher out maneuvers the falcon.
The Sanderling (no photo) is another sandpiper that breeds in Arctic Canada and migrates as far south as the southern tip of SA. If you see a flock of greyish and small chunky birds running along the water’s edge – just behind a retreating wave - rapidly probing and pecking for food, it might be this sandpiper species that is touching, smelling and tasting its way to nourishment. Here in Scarborough Marsh it settles for a mudflat dinner. (2)
We see only one Red Knot in its non-breeding grey plumage (top).
This bird struts its orangish-buff breeding attire. The Red Knot probes for coastal intertidal molluscs and more rarely on crustaceans, worms, and insects on its very long journey from the subarctic Canada to South America, and as far south as Tierra del Fuego (Calidris canutus rufa subspecies) (2). During spring migration the Red Knot typically prefers horseshoe crab eggs that are most abundant around Cape May, NJ. However, horseshoe crabs are declining in numbers as their bodies are used for fertilizer. Hence the Red Knots are declining as well. We saw one knot.
GreaterYellowlegs and Admirer in Pink at Pine Point Mudflats
Greater Yellowlegs return to the mudflats, after the peregrine scare, while another young observer - in her pink attire – takes notice.
Greater Yellowlegs (background) Lesser Yellowlegs (foreground), Peabody Museum, Yale
Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs (YL) are similar in
appearance. The Greater YL is larger and heavier than the Lesser YL. The bill, too, is larger with a titch of an uplift and ‘lightish’ at the base. The Greater YL display more dark spots on their undersides.
Greater Yellowlegs
Both yellowlegs species have, yes, distinctive yellow legs. Both species have similar fall migration routes leaving from the subarctic Canada and stopping anywhere from the southern NA to the southern end of SA. Their feeding habits differ. The Greater YL dash about the shallow water as it probes and picks with its long beak. It may wade or even swim. Nighttime feeding brings on another technique: ‘scything’ – bill side-sweeping through the water in search of tiny fish. The Lesser YL wades up to its belly, walk on floating weeds or objects, and pecks for its food from the water or mud. At night though, it too, relies on ‘scything’. (2)
The Willet resembles the yellowlegs but without the yellow legs – instead it flaunts grey legs and heavier stout bill. The Willet pecks and probes for prey, although this bird will run, ploughing its bill through the water. And it, too, ‘scythes’. The Willet (Catoptrophorus semipalmatus semipalmatus subspecies) breeds along the eastern coast of NA and moves south along NA, CA, and SA. (2)
The Black-bellied Plover, as its name suggests, has a black belly (breeding plumage) extending up the neck and chin, handsomely covering the eye. The black is flanked by white, with a brownish back and top of head. But, in the winter it is simply a large headed grey shorebird. As most plovers it has a short plumpish bill. This species of plover is strictly coastal bird with a global distribution and breeds in Arctic Canada and Russia, migrating to their nonbreeding locations along all southerly continental shores. While foraging on mudflats, this plover displays a distinctive tactic: it flicks pieces of mud into the air - in a sideways motion - exposing its prey (worms, crustaceans, molluscs), before giving it a good peck. Even though this species is widespread, globally, they generally rely on specific areas for migration stopovers, making them vulnerable to any disruption of food sources. (2)
(no photo)
The Killdeer is related to this Black-bellied Plover, and the above-mentioned plovers. However the Killdeer’s breeding habitats differ – they prefer fields that are not always near water. However, during migration they forage on mudflats and shores. Here they share with the Semi-palmated Plover, the unique ‘foot trembling’ method for stirring up prey (insects, worms, snails, and crustaceans). The Killdeers breed across southern Canada and middle North America, migrating further south to southern NA, CA, and northern SA. This busy plover is easy to identify with its double black neckbands contrasting against its white belly and brown back – often seen in empty lots and fields. (2)
Shorebirds, all different species, during migration are compatible,
however if a meal is at stake,
turnstones and knots do not always get along.
Jones Creek
We see many more interesting bird species on this marsh tour: juvenile Black-crowned Night Herons, juvenile Yellow-crowned Night Herons, and juvenile Glossy Ibises - each species without a nearby adult. Small groups of what are perhaps juvenile and adult Great and Snowy Egrets, Little Blue Herons, and Great Blue Herons are seen foraging deep in the marsh. Derek points out a rare hybrid ‘Snowy Egret X Tricolored Heron’ (Jones Creek) in the marsh grasses. This bird is locally famous and it is fondly named “Patches”, as its plumage includes patchy whites, blues, and browns. As if on call, a Saltmarsh Sparrow at Pelrico Lot, is flushed from its tall marsh grasses to its favorite ‘look at me site’ – a rusty fence. A great day birding. Thank you Michael and Derek.
Juvenile Glossy Ibises
Snowy Egret
Great and Snowy Egrets
Great Blue Heron
Little Blue Heron Photo © Sam Wainright
Saltmarsh Sparrow
Please see below for *entire bird lists from August 15.
Important shorebird information:
Best viewing locations for shorebirds on Peaks Island:
1. Lovitch. D. Freeport Wildbird Supply.
2. del Hoya, J, A. Elliot, and J. Sargatal. Eds. 1996. Handbook of the Birds of the World. Vol 3. Hoatzin to Auks. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona.
3. Brett, J.J. (1973) Feathers in the Wind. Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Association. Kutztown Publishing Co. Inc. PA.
Contributors: Derek Lovitch, Michael LaCombe, Sam Wainright.
Reviewed by: Sam Wainright, Michael LaCombe, Michelle Brown, Marty.
By: Patty Wainright
Photographs: Photos © Patty Wainright
Additional Information
If you have any additional bird sightings you would like to share or questions regarding Peak's bird life, you can send them to:
*Bird Lists for August 15 – Biddeford Pool and Scarborugh Marsh
Compiled by: Michael LaCombe as submitted to eBird.
Biddeford Pool--Great Pond, York, Maine, USAug 15, 2016 7:00 AM - 9:30 AM23 speciesCanada Goose 3Double-crested Cormorant 3Snowy Egret 2Black-crowned Night-Heron 1Yellow-crowned Night-Heron 3 (far shore of pond, together with one SNEG)Semipalmated Plover 5Least Sandpiper 5Semipalmated Sandpiper 20Short-billed Dowitcher 2Spotted Sandpiper 1Herring Gull 5Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) 12Mourning Dove 1Eastern Kingbird 1American Crow 4Fish Crow 3 (On route one Saco, near abandoned Burger King in parking lot)Tree Swallow 3Barn Swallow 2Gray Catbird 2European Starling 20Song Sparrow 3American Goldfinch 2House Sparrow 12
Biddeford Pool--Beach, York, Maine, USAug 15, 2016 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM37 species
Canada Goose 4American Black Duck 2Common Eider 20White-winged Scoter 1Double-crested Cormorant 20Great Blue Heron 2Great Egret 4Snowy Egret 16 (large numbers at Granite Pt. Road)Black-crowned Night-Heron 1Glossy Ibis 2Cooper's Hawk 1Semipalmated Plover 20Ruddy Turnstone 5White-rumped Sandpiper 3Semipalmated Sandpiper 30Lesser Yellowlegs 2Black Guillemot 2Herring Gull 30Great Black-backed Gull 4Least Tern 5Common Tern 5Eastern Phoebe 1American Crow 5Tree Swallow 2Barn Swallow 1House Wren 1American Robin 1Gray Catbird 1Northern Mockingbird 1European Starling 20Cedar Waxwing 8Common Yellowthroat 2Yellow Warbler 1Song Sparrow 3Northern Cardinal 1American Goldfinch 3House Sparrow 4
Scarborough Marsh--Pine Point, Cumberland, Maine, USAug 15, 2016 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM31 speciesAmerican Black Duck 2Common Eider 20Double-crested Cormorant 40Great Blue Heron 4Great Egret 2Snowy Egret 8Little Blue Heron 4 at Jones CreekSnowy Egret x Tricolored Heron (hybrid) 1 ("Patches" - at Jones Creek, together with SNEG's)Black-bellied Plover 102Semipalmated Plover 345 (Counted by D.L. with clicker)Killdeer 2Ruddy Turnstone 1Red Knot 1Sanderling 2Least Sandpiper 3White-rumped Sandpiper 8Semipalmated Sandpiper 500 (Estimated from SEPL count by D.L.)Short-billed Dowitcher 18Greater Yellowlegs 2Willet 8Bonaparte's Gull 2Ring-billed Gull 2Herring Gull 80Great Black-backed Gull 8Least Tern 4Common Tern 5Peregrine Falcon 1 (Spectacular; scattered scores of shore birds)American Crow 6European Starling 30Saltmarsh Sparrow 1 (At Pelrico lot; flushed from tall grass to rusted fence)Song Sparrow 2American Goldfinch 4