The Great Backyard Birdcount
Lead by The Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, Audubon, and Bird Studies Canada
Do you want to participate in a bird count from February 12th through the 15th of 2016? It is easy and fun. It is free, and stress-free. Anyone can participate. Citizen scientists such as you, contribute bird data that are compiled and used, as in the Christmas Bird Count, by scientists in population trend studies. Data collected from Peaks Island will be most valuable for better understanding our bird species.
Easy instructions are available on What is actually required? A minimum of 15 minutes is required. During that time one identifies and counts birds in a specific location – your choice. One can count from your living room – watching birds visiting your birdfeeder. Or one can count birds from the car such as along the shore – with or without heated seats. Or – walk along a favorite path or beach. Or - count birds from your boat. You may count for as long as you want and you may count on different days. Bring your friends and family. It is a great way to introduce youngsters, as young scientists, to important data collection procedures and bird identification skills. Take photographs! For photo buffs, a Photography Contest is available in which you can participate (5 winners within several categories).
What do you need? You will need a pencil and paper (or downloaded DataForm). A bird field guide will be handy – check at the library if you do not have one. Binoculars and a camera are very helpful. A thermos of hot chocolate and lunch will be a treat for all who venture out for longer periods.
In summary – identify the bird species and then count the number seen. Record your bird data, your location, and observation times. Post your data on the BirdCount site. It only requires setting up a free eBird account. It is easy too – an email address and a password. Names can be kept confidential.
And, have fun.
If you would like to provide the list, that you submit to the Backyard Bird Count effort, to the Bird Blog for other Islanders to see, please send it to Michelle at It would be a fun way to share what you see with the community. If you do contribute your list for the Bird Blog, let us know if you would like your name listed and how, or if you would prefer to not have your name listed.
Other Information
Contributors: Marty, Michelle Brown, Sam Wainright, Michael LaCombe, Patty Wainright
Thank you for your interest in Peaks Island Birds and the Bird Blog.